⚙️ Initiative Overview

Author: StableLab

Strategy: [Strategy 5] Increase governance participation

Milestone Doc: StableLab: Enhancing Governance Accessibility and Participation at SafeDAO Initiative

Starting Date: February 12

Does this initiative integrate with OR contain a strong technical dependency on Safe tech?

💵 Progress Overview


Funding Details

Initiative Start First Funding Date Total Initiative Funding Proposed Initiative Timeline Monthly Funding
February 12 April 30 $24,000 USD 2 months $12,000 USD

Payment Tracker

Month Amount Due Executed
April $18,000 $18,000
May $6,000 $6,000
Total $24,000 $24,000

🎯 Milestone Breakdown

What are the necessary incremental achievements on the path to achieving your overall goal for your project as described above?