The Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF) is a core stakeholder of SafeDAO and acts as a steward of SafeDAO governance.
Governance of the Safe Foundation
SEF is a Swiss Foundation incorporated in Zug (Switzerland). A Swiss foundation is a legal form that pursues a specified purpose utilizing the assets it has been provided with. The work of the Foundation is carried out in a trust-minimized set-up due to the following two characteristics:
- Orphan structure: A foundation has neither equity nor owner. It is solely guided by the purpose of the foundation. The “foundation charter” is restricting all activities and use of assets to a pre-defined purpose. Every activity of the foundation has to be directly, or indirectly be linked to this purpose.
- Supervision: To ensure that the foundation council duly promotes the foundation's purpose and does not undertake any non-compliant value extraction, Swiss foundations are subject to supervision of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs, enforcing through the Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority for Foundations (also known as the Eidgenössische Stiftungsaufsicht / ESA).
Charter (Purpose)
The full text of the Foundation Charter in its legally binding, German version can be found here. An unofficial translated version can be found here
The founding purpose of the Safe Foundation is
- Fostering and developing technologies for and on top of the Safe Ecosystem,
- Educating others on and promoting public awareness regarding the Safe Ecosystem and its applications, and
- Managing digital and non-digital assets for these purposes.
For this purpose, the Safe Foundation can amongst others
- Support and fund appropriate research and development activities
- Acquire, hold, manage and grant intellectual property rights or licenses
- Organize and support events and provide educational material such as developer documentation
- Engage with various businesses, partners, banks, regulators, authorities and other third parties;
- Host and manage websites and interfaces;
- Generally perform all acts as may be necessary, appropriate, incidental to or desirable to assist in achieving or promoting the objects described in the foundation purpose.