Monthly Initiative Update:

Milestone Progress Snapshot [%]:

Provide a snapshot of progress for each milestone as of end of reporting period; August 7, 2024.

Targeted %* Actual % Comments
Milestone I 95-100% 95% The structure of the series has been finalized. There are some parts of the milestone that are not being addressed in the originally specified structure of the milestones but rather a later stage
Milestone II 0% 15% The information around the listed upgrades in this milestone has already been investigated and strategy forward is established. Just waiting on writing. But before we get there, we await feedback as we want to ensure the standards seeking to be met are clarified with feedback from the SafeDAO reviewers.
Milestone III 0% 15% As with the above milestone, the listed upgrade (RIP-7560) has been well-investigated (along with standards and other proposals that overlap with it), but we await feedback to apply momentum to the delivery of the rest of the series.

*Targeted completion % is derived from the proposal timeline

Month Amount Due ($USD) Executed
August $10,000 USD $10,000


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