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As OBRA wraps up the voting on July 8th for Sprint 1 in Season 3, we’re excited to share the batch of updates from June. Following the OBRA budget amendments from the end of Season 2, the remaining budget has been allocated across all 6 OBRA strategies. In turn, this has prompted a surge in applications and forum discussion around OBRA in recent months.
Accordingly, there are currently 5 active votes on Snapshot for new OBRA initiatives, so if you haven’t yet, remember to cast your choices before the deadline.
For ease of reference find the Strategies below:
[Strategy 1] Research and implement Safe token utility
[Strategy 2] Foster module ecosystem
[Strategy 3] Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem
[Strategy 4] Research decentralization of Safe tech stack
[Strategy 5] Increase governance participation
Reporting date: July 2nd, 2024