Principles of proposal implementation
- If proposals approved by SafeDAO are not executed automatically onchain, governance proposals will be directed to SEF for implementation.
- If proposals are carried out onchain via the Zodiac Reality module (also known as SafeSnap), SEF supervises for safety. If a proposal or transaction is deemed unsafe or fraudulent, SEF retains the right to veto the implementation and remove it.
- If a proposal affects SEF’s sphere of responsibility, SEF will assess the proposal to ensure their alignment with the purposes of the Foundation and SafeDAO, feasibility for implementation, legal compliance, and overall safety and security. For compliance reasons SEF remains an unobstructed veto right. It will only exercise such right if a proposal does not materially comply with the defined regulations from SafeDAO such as this governance framework, the constitution or legal requirements.
- If a proposal fails to pass the assessment, SEF retains the option to remove it for resubmission or implement it with certain limitations. In such cases, SEF will provide explanations to SafeDAO regarding the rejection or the restrictions imposed on the proposal.
- If a proposal passes the assessment, SEF will diligently and in a commercially reasonable manner facilitate its implementation. Proposals that need the technical involvement of SEF shall state this clearly in the proposal template.