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To date, OBRA has maintained a total of 41 applications, of which 23 have been accepted by SafeDAO via governance. Increasing governance participation remains the strategy with the lion-share of OBRA applications.
Currently, there are no applications being voted on in snapshot. However, two new applications were accepted during this reporting period. As always to find the updated list of OBRA proposals and their details, see our Notion Hub here.
For ease of reference find the Strategies below:
[Strategy 1] Research and implement Safe token utility
[Strategy 2] Foster module ecosystem
[Strategy 3] Increase awareness of Safe Ecosystem
[Strategy 4] Research decentralization of Safe tech stack
[Strategy 5] Increase governance participation
Reporting date: January 8th, 2025
OBRA Treasury Overview 💰
As of this reporting, OBRA has promised ~$879k in funds for onboarded and active initiatives. The total amount of funding that will be distributed to initiatives this period is ~$48k.